Bergen County Academies, Senior Experience

  • Paul C. Kaser
    Senior Experience Internship Coordinator
    (201) 343-6000 ext. 3328

    Parents or guardians must call 201-343-6000 ext. 2226 to excuse absenteeism.

    Senior Experience Internship Program - 12th grade core full year – Throughout the school year, seniors devote the full day each Wednesday to an individualized internship and research experience. Students are involved in experiential learning opportunities, research, and project development in corporate, university, government and nonprofit institutions throughout the metropolitan area.

    Students are supervised by mentors who are accomplished artists, architects, chefs, engineers, physicians, scientists, and other professionals working at these agencies. Student internship research projects are often comparable to university undergraduate courses.

    This program is a graduation requirement. Students earn (9) academic credits for their internship learning experience and research.